Have you been wondering what the steps are between what you are manifesting now and what you want to manifest? 

Are you feeling left in the dark on what goes on for people that are constant manifestors?

I’ll tell you the secret so listen in:

You need to stay in a high vibration and in the receiving mode as much as possible throughout your day. 

What no one tells you about the law of attraction and why you don’t have what you want. 

Have you read tons of books on law of attraction, made your vision board and focused on everything that you want, yet it hasn’t come to fruition? What’s the deal? And what can you do about it?

The books all tell you to really imagine what it’s like to have what you want and the more real it is in your mind the faster the law of attraction will work for you.

You say to yourself “I’m doing everything right, right? I’m making my goals, creating my vision board, thinking about it in the morning and then letting it go. Then I even think about it a couple of times a day because I am exasperated with my life. I want this manifestation now!”.

And then … not much happens or worse, you attract the opposite. 

Pulling out your hair you think, “Why is it not working for me? What am I doing wrong?”

Well, you are not alone. There are many people doing the same thing and getting the exact same results. 

Just think about getting everything you want faster and more easily. Read on to learn 2 tricks that will do just that. These 2 things will put you back on track to manifesting your dreams. 

#1) Mind The Gap

#2) The Pause – 17 Seconds  

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

1st – Minding the Gap

I was listening to Abraham Hicks recently saying (and I’ll summarize), “it is not a surprise that when you look at a vision board and focus on what you want if you don’t have it, you are not getting it. The reason that you don’t have it is because you’re not in that energy field yet. Your vibration isn’t matching where you are now to where you want to go and what you want to have.” 

And an ah-ha went off in my head. I remember all the vision boards I used to create and all of the visualizations that I used to do and some of it would feel really good while other parts would make my stomach would go tight and I would start to tense. This, of course, unbeknownst to me, was automatically putting my focus on what I had at the moment that didn’t want. For example, visualizing myself owning a house, I would start to breathe fast, my mind would start to go a mile a minute about how I didn’t know how I was going to buy it, and I had a lurking feeling that it wasn’t possible for me to make this a reality. I would also start wondering how I would find renters, how I would keep up on the maintenance and problems that could happen.  All the things that I don’t want. My concentration would break and at the end I would feel a bit wishy washy about my goal. Does any of that sound familiar?

Also, one of my main problems was that I am not one of those people that had a solid goal that I was working toward. I hadn’t found my path yet, even though I was 40, I still didn’t know what I wanted to do, or what I “should” be doing. I had been a traveling ESL teacher for about 15 years and a part-time healer. I naturally thought that I should be a healer full-time when I quit teaching, but I just couldn’t really feel that as a strong goal inside of myself. 

I’m quite fluid and am a pretty free spirit so having a million-dollar house, a car, paying for my non-existent kids going to college, etc. didn’t fit with my feeling of happiness, satisfaction, or purpose.  Because I didn’t have a “worldly purpose” everything seemed vague. So, what was I supposed to focus on? I didn’t know. I had always been waiting for the universe to dump a big ah-ha moment into my lap and say, “This is your purpose”. I thought I would have big arrows and blinking lights telling me to do this, go here, apply here, then you’ll be happy. Well, that never happened. 

So, what I am getting at? We need to “mind the gap”. The gap between where you are and where you want to be. For example, if I think about making over a certain amount of money a month, my stomach gets tense and I am sure there are many other negatives happening throughout my body. But when I think about what that feels like to have enough money for everything that I want and then much more, savings for retirement, all the travel money I want, etc, I feel freedom, solid, supported, trusting, and balanced. And as I focus on those emotions I am lifting myself into alignment with them. 

So, what to do? 

I first meditated on what I wanted my life to feel like, not look like, again FEEL LIKE. Click here for the meditation click here for the guide. I then got a board and I drew some pictures with how I wanted to feel. I started with what I did know. I knew I wanted freedom and freedom felt to me like soaring through the sky, and the wind in my face. And I wanted security and security felt like my stomach relaxing, me breathing, my face relaxing and rolling my shoulders back. It felt solid like standing on a thick piece of concrete. So here I was, painting (with me as a stick figure) standing on concrete, me bursting with golden light, a bird soaring through the sky. I wrote words that calmed me and heightened my energy. And what do I do? I look at it often and feel those emotions run through me. 

Feeling Board Meditation

And guess what?  Low and behold some amazing things started and are continuing to manifest in my life. I have started to do more things that I feel are fun that also gives me these same emotions. Does my sh*! come up too? Hell, yes. But I feel blessed that it is coming up in a way that I can manage and as I keep myself in that state more and more I am able to deal with it easier and easier each time. Click here to read about making your own feeling board with the meditation

Step 2 -The Pause – 17 seconds

The next step is to feel the feeling and be in that positive vibration as much as possible throughout your day. However, if you’re like me, you are super busy, one thing leads to the next and before you know it your day is over and you just want to crash on the couch and zone out for a bit before having to make dinner, clean up and go to bed. I know that I struggle with taking time out of my day for anything relaxing. 

The idea for the Pause17 seconds, came to me as I was listening to an Abraham Hicks talk.  Summarizing, she said that if you can hold a positive vibration for 17 seconds, just feeling how you would feel if the manifestation were here you will be able to really get things going and energy flowing towards manifesting your goal.

 I thought, “I can do that”. I also thought wouldn’t it be cool I could help others in a more focused and intense way? And in a way that could be shared to increase motivation and positive energy. So, I created The Pause 17 seconds on my Instagram, Allow Yourself To Manifest Anything, to align with the 7 chakras. 7 times a day The Pause has you focus on a chakra, your breath, and a feeling that aligns with one of your manifestations. There will also be a suggestion for an essential oil you could use if that would help you and a link to music. Think about it, there you are at work, on your computer, and suddenly your Instagram message comes in….

You stop what you are doing, look at your Instagram, you see it the root chakra which has to do with security and stability. You look at the positive quote, take out your oil and smell it quickly, take a couple of deep breaths, and click on the link for the music. You then pause for 17 seconds and feel what emotions security and stability about your manifestation feel like to you. For me, it’s me standing on concrete that is really thick, my stomach relaxes and am able to breathe (relief, sigh). It feels calm and another picture I get is angel wings enclosing me in a hug. It feels soft and secure and I feel taken care of. I also smell a cedar essential oil which reminds me of nature. 

There will obviously be times when it’s not possible and that’s okay. Starting out if you can manage one every day or every other day that’s great!. As this gets in your consciousness more and more, you’ll start thinking of it more and more. To feel good will become more important to you and thus you will find the universe making more and more time available for you to do this activity. Soon you will be holding it for 30 seconds, 60 seconds, and then longer. More and more you will start feeling these feelings in your everyday life. 

I know sometimes I want to go full steam ahead with something and then life seems to have other plans. Sometimes I then get down on myself for not doing everything all at once. 

Life isn’t a race to get to the finish line, it’s a journey where you stop and smell the roses. 

Whatever progress you make is wonderful! So, take it at your own pace and feel good about it. Whenever you are able to do it complement yourself make sure you stay positive for the times you were able to do it!

This has been so life-changing for me. Try it for a week and see where it takes you. I would love to hear your comments. 

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Copyright ©2020 Vanessa Holmes, Allow Yourself to Manifest Anything. All rights reserved. 

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