I’m Vanessa Holmes

Manifestation & Transformational Coach

Shine Your Light and Transform Your Life.

Transformational Coaching

When we hold space to listen to our inner selves speak to us, we transform at a deeper level than one can imagine. 

Manifestation Coach

When we listen to ourselves on what we truly want and need to get there, manifestation becomes effortless.

What Is Transformational & Manifesting Coaching?

  • Do you feel stuck, lost, or like you just don’t know where you are headed?
  • Do you feel like you want to manifest things in your life but you don’t know what it is? Or maybe you know what it is you want to manifest but just are getting what you want from life?

Well then you have come to the right place.

Transformational and manifesting coaching is a type a work that leads you be able to shift your paradigm and release long held baggage. Whatever issues you are addressing, this coaching allows you to dig deep into yourself until the root of the issue is discovered allowing you to move forward into the place you want to be.

Who Is Coaching For?

This is for people who want more than surface level transformation and truly want to manifest and evolve, making major progress in their life. This is the kind of shift where your friends and family start saying “Wow! You seem completely different”!!

You will come out with your energy being clearer, lighter, and more vivid. You will feel more joyful, more powerful, and more energetic. This can shift your paradigm and when that happens, everything in your life changes.

How Does It Work?

Transformational coaching always uses some kind of mind/body tool.  This is where I combine tools such as EFT (tapping), NLP, guided imagery, or other tools from my tool kit to help you release the pain, let it move, let it heal, and help you to move to another place.  This comes quicker and easier than most people expect or can imagine and that’s because you’re not working with the superficial matters but the source.

You will not only finally be able to clear the pain that has been holding you down or holding you back, but you will find you are opening up a whole new energy. You will step more into your power, your light, and live more from your authentic self.

Traditional Coaching VS Transformational Coaching

In most traditional coaching sessions you are looking for strategies to change something within your current frame of mind. Transformational coaching changes that state of mind causing a paradigm shift. Think about how different your life would be if you stopped your self-defeating self-talk. And instead of trying your hardest to think positively (whenever you remind yourself) you do it instinctively because you have removed the negative filter surrounding the issue. You simply felt lighter, brighter, and more joyous.

While traditional coaching is great for some circumstances, it is more about making small changes in your life or little changes in your behavior. There are some people that want or need a huge shift to take place in their life and if this is you, you have come to the right place.  Instead of giving strategies and scratching the surface of the issue we will dive deep and get to the root of the cause. We will be following the emotions, leaning into them, not fighting them, not trying to change them, and really getting to what is underneath. This allows us to work with it very quickly and efficiently.

So whatever the issue is, delving in and following it will lead to finding the hidden core of the issue – usually several of them. These roots are where we are holding our pain. This is the pain that needs to be transformed.  Once found it is exciting because when it’s altered the shift can be completely life-changing!

How Does It Apply To Me?

Let’s look at an example to differentiate standard coaching from transformational coaching. Weight loss is a big issue. Many struggle with healthy eating as a lifestyle shift resulting in yo-yo dieting. Or some find difficultly getting to the gym or maybe having the time to work out.

In a regular coaching session, you would look at the details of your life and start thinking about strategies to eat healthier, get yourself to go to the gym, and change your schedule.

However, as much as you plan you still don’t have time to cook or go to the gym, something always comes up that is more important. Or you might eat healthy and go to the gym for a while, however you don’t lose the weight you want or plateau after losing 5 lbs. You give up, feel bad, and the cycle starts again. Whatever the case it doesn’t work.

When doing transformational coaching we start by looking at what is behind the weight gain to find the origin of the problem. This may lead us to finding self-worth issues that sabotage you every time you try to do something healthy.

So instead of fighting your mind, we release the filter of low self-worth. Over time your body wants to lose the weight it has been carrying and your mind is in alignment with you. This leads to deep changes and clearings within the self and allows you to make serious changes in the way you operate. This allows for you to manifest the body and health you’ve always wanted. 

What To Expect?

Expect the session to take about 70 – 90 minutes. It is important that you are in a comfortable place without distractions. Most sessions start with deep breathing and relaxing of the body and from there we talk about what is coming up for you. You will then sit or lay back and be guided through a process. You will be doing about 80-90% of the talking. We will follow up with a recap and things to do for that week.

“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”

-Rosa Luxemburg-

Coaching Packages

For all of the packages, you will meet with me 2 times a week for the allotted amount of time.

2 Week Coaching Package


4 Week Coaching Package


8 Week Coaching Package


Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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