What Should I Strive For?

If we look at what the media and society tell us they should be, in most of the world, it’s to have a couple of kids, buy a house, and get a good job. After that, we should strive to get more money, buy a bigger house, have more cars, boats, gadgets, and other toys, get a 2nd home, buy designer brands, keep looking young and slim, have fancy memberships and the list goes on. We are told with each new bigger and better acquisition or experience we will be “happier and happier”. They tell us to spend our precious time and energy working to keep building our empire. 

However, more and more people are waking up and not buying into this idea anymore. People realize that the most valuable resource they have is their time and energy and how they use it. And spending it all to get more and more stuff doesn’t make them truly happy, satisfied, or fulfilled. 

Don’t get me wrong, money is necessary, a great tool, and can be used in wonderful ways. It can make life easier and more pleasurable, but just to be used to keep getting and having more stimulating experiences starts making life feel meaningless. 

Do I Really Want That?

If you are reading this then you are waking up to the fact, or have already woken up to the fact that none of the above is making you happy or fulfilled. You are feeling that being in the rat race isn’t worth it. 

What Will Make Me Happy And Where Do I Look?

When your sites are set on goals and objectives that are pleasure-based and focused on getting something from the outside world and you keep searching outside of yourself for this elusive happiness, it only brings short-lived pleasure. Read more about happiness vs pleasure. This is a misguided attempt at happiness. 

These goals or desires rarely come from the heart or line up with you. So when you reach a goal, you feel momentary pleasure and eventually, you start feeling unfulfilled. On the other side, maybe your whole life has been about trying to achieve the above goals looking for “happiness”. However, no matter how hard you try to just can’t seem to reach those goals. You think you want them and try to get them but they seem to elude you. You might end up feeling like a failure because deep down it just doesn’t resonate with what is meaningful to you in life.

Are My Goals, MY Goals? 

Look at your goals or desires. Are they really yours? Do you really want what you think you want? Are your goals your friend’s, partner’s, parent’s, society’s? What is the “why” behind your dreams and how do you figure it out? 

How Do I Know What My Heart Really Wants?

Determine your rocks and how you make decisions. What do you value? Our rocks are what drive us and are the basis from where our decisions should be made. Decisions are a big part of our lives and big players when it comes to happiness, joy, peace, stress, guilt, fear, and other emotions. Many of us are unaware of the decisions we do make because we haven’t sat down to think about how our decisions shape our lives. It’s really these little decisions that make up the whole of our life. Little decisions we make every minute every of every hour of every day turn into big decisions that shape our lives. 

When you really know what your rocks are, you can form your life around them to give you purpose. Your purpose that allows you to contribute your creative, unique, Universe given gifts to the world giving you a sense of joy, connectedness, and purpose.

Determine the most important areas of your life and where are you right now. Use the Wheel of Life to discover where you are starting from and what you need to do to improve your happiness factors.

What’s The Wheel of Life and How Will It Help Me?

The Wheel of Life as a coaching tool comes from the Buddhist wheel of life called the Bhavachakra in Sanskrit. It concentrates on 8 tangible happiness factors of life. It allows you to evaluate each factor based on a scale of 1-10. You can then reflect on where you are with each aspect and then set goals based on your reflections. 

Let’s See Why You Want Your Goals

Do your goals bring up serious emotion or do they just fizzle out. The reason for this exercise to find the emotion (energy) or lack thereof, behind the things that you want to create. If you find you only want something on the surface level and lack emotion behind it, you can bet it’s not in line with what you truly want and you won’t be creating it. Also, knowing your deep desire behind a goal or desire gives you the motivation to keep plugging along when the going gets tough and you want to give up.  

Your Goals & Desires

List your goals/desires here

  1. (Goal/desire #1)
  2. (Goal/desire #2)

This practice is tweaked from Dean Graziosi’s book “Millionaire Success Habits”, The 7 Levels Deep Exercise. 

Choose 2 of your goals (Click here for your PDF exercise)

You are going to ask yourself why this goal is so important to you and drill down to the core of what you want and why, by peeling back the layers 7 times. This can be a really emotional process, so take 30 min by yourself undisturbed. FYI: You might need some tissue. 

For example:

I want to make 20,000 net/month.

  1. Why do you want to make 20,000/month?

I want to be able to travel without either my husband or I having to work at jobs that bind us to one location. 

2.               Why? What is so important about work not binding you to 1 location?

I want us to be free and able to do whatever we want to do every day.

3.               Why? What is so important about doing what you want every day?

So we have the time and money to find our true joy and happiness. 

4.               Why? What is so important about finding your true joy and happiness?

Because we will be living a happier, more positive life.  

5.               Why is that important?

Because when we are happier and more positive we feel better and are helping the planet raise its vibration too.

6.               Why is that important?

Because it helps everyone raise their vibration.

7.               Why is that important?

Because then we can all live from our hearts, be fulfilled, and move on to living in love. 

So, really my “why” is that: I want to help the world by helping people to connect to their hearts and fulfill their purpose because it brings me joy to live in a world of love. This brings up a really strong emotion for me. Strong enough to connect to my heart, to bring a high-frequency vibration of love and joy. I have a ton of positive, blissful, wonderful high flying emotions which = high vibration. And now it is something that I can manifest. The emotion is strong enough for me to return back to and feel it every time I may feel just “blah”, have a setback, or I am down. This keeps me energized and on track.  

 Now it’s your turn. Click here for the exercise. I hope this gives you some insight into why you want the things you do and connects you with your heart’s goals.

Thank you for reading!!

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