Are you thinking to yourself, “What is the purpose in life? What’s the point to life? And more importantly what’s my role in it?”

Do you want to burn the next book that tells you to just, “Think of what you wanted to do as a child, what are you passionate about now? Write it down.” And you think to yourself, “If I knew what I wanted to do and what my passions were, do you think I would have bought this book?” 

You think to yourself, “Ahggg!!!! The problem isn’t that I know what I want to do, but don’t know how to get there. There are a zillion coaches out there that can help me achieve that outer goal. The problem is, What about my “REAL” purpose? The one that is life-changing? The one that makes me wake up singing with the birds every morning. 

What Is THAT Purpose And How Do I Find It?”

Well, if you have done just about every exercise out there and still haven’t found purpose is this the magic article that will? Probably not, BUT what it WILL do is lead you to some practical steps that you can take to head down that path. 

If you don’t know what makes you tick, chances are that when you were very young you had it squashed out of you so fast and so many times that you don’t remember it. You’ve covered it up and buried it so deep that you have lost that connection to that part of yourself. The part of yourself that is authentic, joyous, free, flowing, and unburdened. The part that listens to your heart and makes it sing.

So, The Fun Part? 

You get to try new things!! You get to unearth and rediscover what makes you feel alive! You get to start inserting something different, positive, new and refreshing into your life so that you can discover or rediscover what you like or are passionate about. Or you might discover what you don’t like. But doesn’t getting to know what we don’t like help narrow down what we do like? So, whatever way it goes it will be beneficial.


You get to have different experiences, meet new people, try new things, try old things you have tried before, and open your mind so that new opportunities abound in your life. Notice I use the words “get to” not “have to” or “are able to”, you GET TO! Change your language and it will change your attitude about it too!

Chances are that if you are saying “I feel stuck in my life”, you are in a cycle of having the same experiences, with the same people, replaying the same conversations and telling the same stories that you have done for years. And NOW you are ready to break free.

3 Ways On How To Start Finding Your Purpose And Passion In Life

1. Find Fun Things To Do

Think about your week. 

Write down everything that you do during the week. What is one thing that you like doing during your week? Look at your schedule. 

Can you find time to do it 2 times during the week? 

Can’t find anything you like to do? Find something new to do! Look online at things happening this month in your town or somewhere close. Try an old hobby. Here are 2 sites that have ideas for you to try. and

2.  Meditate

I know you might be saying, “WHAT?!” Why do I have to meditate? I don’t want to turn into a hippie chanting, weirdo”. Well, that is not what meditation is about. Start with sitting for a mere 5 minutes every other day. Just focus on your breath. There are some great apps as well as you get further along.

The main point here is that your brain is going a mile a minute without ever stopping to get inspiration. How will you ever get new ideas, feel new creativity, stimulus, and wisdom if you don’t allow inspiration in? It’s like stopping to take in a fresh breath of air with your mind. 

3. Clutter Clear

Clutter. Clutter. Clutter. Clutter makes our life one big heap of confusion. It keeps us stuck in the past, bogged down, and drained of energy. It traps us where we are and keeps us locked down.  It saps our energy and wastes our time. 

The more cluttered we are the easier it is for us to lose things and have to keep looking for them again and again. It can be really frustrating. However, on top of the disorganization issue is the mental and emotional baggage that comes along with holding on to our things. 

Have you ever had that great feeling of freshness and vibrancy after a spring cleaning or the energizing feeling just after cleaning out that miscellaneous kitchen drawer? It feels refreshing, invigorating and uplifting. There is a sense of new energy in the air. It is one of the best feelings in the world to let go of old junk and move on. 

Keeping Us Stuck

Clutter and stuff hold us where we are. We have such an emotional attachment (which is our emotional energy) to our things that it keeps us from moving on with our lives. We can be holding on to things that remind us of our old relationships, hardships, illnesses, struggles and times that were or are emotionally draining. 

Take a look at your closet for example. Are there clothes in there that make you feel less than perfect? Do you feel frumpy, uncomfortable, raggedy, mismatched, or some other unpleasant feeling? Well, every time you look at that item, consciously or unconsciously you feel that feeling. Remember the conscious mind is only able to take in 1% of what’s around us, your subconscious mind takes in everything. So, whether you know it or not you are feeling those feelings when you look at whatever is around you.  

Start small with that miscellaneous kitchen drawer or your sock drawer. It doesn’t have to be big. But getting rid of that clutter will help you get old energy out and help you draw in new, refreshing experiences. 

I know that every time that I clear my clutter I feel vibrant, alive and refreshed. New experiences, opportunities, and people come into my life.

In Summary…

So to sum things up and get your life headed toward purpose, passion, and fun. Start with finding things you like to do and do them more often in your days, your weeks, and months. Fill up your time with joy and fun. Set up a short time to meditate and raise your vibration every other day (which will hopefully turn into every day). 

Allow for new, fresh, bright, loving, and inspirational energy to come in by clearing some clutter, opening up space for that new energy to come in. 

“You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk” – Louise Smith. 

I hope this works for you and if you have any questions or comments please post below.

Copyright ©2020 Vanessa Holmes, Manifest Evolution. All rights reserved. 

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