Hi! I’m Vanessa

My name is Vanessa and I am a transformation and manifestation coach, yogini, healer, Kambo practitioner, and lifelong learner. This blog is about manifesting, transforming, and evolving.

Manifestation is about personal evolution. As we let go, surrender, and face our blocks, patterns and old beliefs, we evolve into our authentic selves where we take off our masks, live from our hearts, and let our inner self shine. We start knowing and living in line with our true values and manifest the life we were meant to live.


My aim is to truly help you get from where you are to where you want to be with practical steps and exercises that you can use today. Instead of starting out with visualizations and vision boards, we will look at steps that come before that, laying down a solid foundation to your desired life.

We are here on this earth to feel good all of the time and live in a state of joy. We are here to love life, to love ourselves, and find fulfillment. When we change our old patterns of fear into new frequencies of love we transform ourselves and our lives from the inside out. So, let’s jump in and write a new chapter in your book of life.


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